Sunday, February 24, 2008

Presidents' Day Weekend in NYC

I spent Saturday and Sunday nights in NYC with D.S., just hanging out. We went out for Ethiopian food in the East Village on Saturday night, then went out for a couple drinks. On Sunday we had brunch with Nicol at our favorite spot, Cafe Mogador, did a little shopping (I bought the Rufus Wainwright cd of his Carnegie Hall Judy Garland concert - I love it!)

We went home for a nap, then out for a couple drinks. On Monday, we had lunch at this silly new diner on the Upper East Side - I forget what they were called, but it was packed with families with kids, I guess because it was new and shiny and full of bright colors. We would have run screaming, but we really wanted to try the vegetarian chili and 'tater tots, which were decidedly yummy. We took the bus down to 60th street, went to Borders to use up the rest of my Christmas gift cards (I got Beowulf, Middlesex, and The Joy of Vegan Baking, and still had enough left to buy DS a James Baldwin novel). Then we walked over and took the Roosevelt Island Tramway over to Roosevelt Island. I had never done it before - it was such a warm day, so it was a great time to do it:

The tram is part of the public transit system, so you just swipe your metrocard the same as if taking the subway or a bus. The view was nice.

Once on Roosevelt Island, you can walk along the river and see the skyline, including the United Nations:

All the pictures from this and the last post were taken with my favorite new toy, the Palm Centro. I'm in love with it.

Leslie and the Lys

On the Friday before Presidents' Day weekend, Mark and I went to see Leslie and the Lys at the Northstar bar here in Philly. They put on a great show!

Several people wearing "gem sweaters" (Leslie is the proprietor of the Mobile Museum of Gem Sweaters) were invited on stage, and had their sweaters named by Leslie herself. The ceremony was rather like a faith healing.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

new program and concert dates

My piano duo will be presenting a new program, "Celestial Harmonies," in the coming months. We'll be doing music of Mozart, Holst, MacDowell, and George Crumb. Several concert dates are already set. Visit our website, and come see us play!

General Tao's Tofu

It just seemed like the right day to try it. I've been eyeing the recipe for General Tao's Tofu on for some time now. It turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so m'self:

I must say, it's not the healthiest thing, what with the frying and the sweet sauce, but it sure is a treat! Next time, double the sauce, more veggies, less frying.