Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Concert, MamaLucy visit, Longwood Gardens

First of all, today is my birthday, and I got so many nice greetings from my friends, I feel truly blessed! I love you all :)

Last Friday, April 28, Maria and I played a concert at Immaculata University. It was a really nice event, hosted by the Friends of Music and Jacobs Music, who threw us a lovely dessert reception afterwards! MamaLucy drove up from NC for it, and stayed for the weekend. We hung out all weekend - saw The Counterfeiters on Saturday, then celebrated Meegan's birthday that night at the Continental. On Sunday we had brunch, then drove out to Longwood Gardens - which brings me to my pictures:

They were having an orchid show, which was rather impressive...

I also love their topiary garden, with its bush-critters and weird geometric shapes:

These lillies had an unbelievably strong fragrance:

and I think this was just an enormous hibiscus blossom