Monday, April 17, 2006

The Rules

It seems I will never learn the cardinal rule of gay dating:

Don't show enthusiasm or they will run screaming for the door!

Again and again the world tries to teach me this lesson, and I refuse to learn it. I reach out, I try to be nice, I show interest... it's the wrong approach. The other person then thinks, "Oh no! Something must be wrong with this person because he actually seems interested in pathetic old me." I should know, I do it when the tables are turned. Show interest in me and you're forgotten in a day. Act aloof, disinterested, ambivalent, unenthused, and I will obsess over you. Treat me like shit and I might even date you for YEARS at a time!

But I just can't learn to act that way. I get excited and I show it. If I like someone, I want them to know it. Why can't any of us handle being liked? None of this is news. Supposedly we all want what we can't have, and we're addicted to the thrill of the chase. I guess I'm guilty of it, but I can't make myself act like an asshole! And when I truly am uninterested, it makes the object of my disinterest try even harder.

Can we all stop acting like idiots and just be honest? *sigh*

1 comment:

flawedperfection said...

You know whats funny is that I don't think that anyone knows the rules, when it comes to dating. I think the reason for that is because everyone has a different set of rules they come up with in their own head. Its seems like you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Some men might think enthusiasm is great, while others may not. So, if you decide to practice the wrong rules with the wrong person-- you're screwed.

The best thing that anyone can do is be themselves. Embrace who you are, and the right person will like you for everything you are!