Sunday, April 22, 2007

In the starz

I always try to read my astrology zone forecast at the beginning of the month, when it comes out. This Susan Miller lady writes these really long, detailed monthly horoscopes. (She also inevitable says something funny regarding Uranus. This month it was "Mercury will move over Uranus at almost precisely the time of the full moon on April 2...") Anyway, I had been thinking about booking a June trip to Hawaii to visit my beloved Miss K, and noticed this little blurb in my forecast for April:

"At the new moon, April 17, if you've been toying with an idea of going abroad for a vacation or study, the pieces of your puzzle will slip into place. The coming year really glows for international travel - if it's within the realm, make it a priority this year. (A trip in June would be great). If an overseas trip isn't possible, take a journey to a locale that's new to you but close by, perhaps in your own country. Spin your compass over the weekend of April 21 - 22, for Mercury's collaboration to Jupiter will make it zesty fun."

Well who doesn't like a little zesty fun?! So I thought I'd wait and see what deals I'd find if I checked all the travel websites on April 21st. Lo and behold, my itinerary:

June 12: Amtrak to Newark, direct flight to Honalulu,
little island-jumper flight to Hilo
June 19: little island-jumper flight to Honalulu, overnight flight back to Newark,
June 20: Amtrak train back to Philly
total cost... (I still can't believe it) $577.54

Hawaya, here I come!

Here's a teaser pic of Miss K's new hood:


kirsten said...

i just can't wait til june, bunny! we are gonna have us a time. i guess in the meantime i'll have to devote myself to finding the best mai-tai in town. i'd hate to subject you to a substandard cocktail. :) see you in june, betch!!


Anonymous said...

You Go Bunny! That is out of this world Price!