Saturday, December 16, 2006

keeping the momentum

"A recent trip overseas leaves Aries seeing everything through the eyes of a disenchanted American. Your old 'hood can certainly seem boring after a fun week away, but rest assured more such trips are in store for Aries."

This was in a December horoscope I came across the other day. Three weeks ago today, I was immersed in overwhelming art, architecture, music, food, and wine. Three weeks ago today, I spent nearly the entire day with a lump in my throat, not only because it was my last day in Paris, but because I had been on the verge of tears several times in quick succession. The first was upon entering the Sainte Chapelle and being surrounded by overwhelming color. The next was upon seeing the Eiffel Tower at Sunset. The last was listening to Chopin and Liszt in a 12th Century church. (I mean, how much can a person bear in one day?)

I spent the next week almost constantly thinking about living in Paris. Was there a way to make it happen? Was I just romanticizing it because I saw it from a vacationer's perspective?

It seemed like the universe was sending me all sorts of signals that I needed to jump-start my life - to go after the things that I wanted, rather than sit back and let life happen to me. I heard a radio interview with Danny DeVito in which he spoke about just that. He said he had always gone after the things he most wanted, and pursued them relentlessly until he got them. I felt like he was speaking to me! I wasn't going to simply "go with the flow" any more.

Little by little, though, I got wrapped up in all the mundane things that tie me to this life, and this place. Am I content, as the horoscope says, knowing there will be more trips like the magical one of a few weeks ago? Or am I losing the momentum I had when the smell of the sidewalk creperies was still fresh in my mind?


Anonymous said...

Well, at least your horoscope is on target. The many times through out life my horoscope has told me I'm going to fall in love or money is coming my way and it never happen.:( But like you say sometimes instead going with the flow you need to make things happen.

Anonymous said...

What an amazingly accurate horoscope! You'd think Sagittarians would have better horoscopes, since we pretty much ROCK, but mine always suck. Oh, about Paris ... I'm pretty sure, that I would be devastated if you moved to Paris. I would be really happy for YOU, but it would depress the hell outta ME. (And what's important here? YOUR LIFE? or your girlfriend's happiness? I mean really!)