Thursday, June 14, 2007

a day in Puna

What'd you call me?

Today Kirsten and I drove down the east coast of Hawai'i to the area known as Puna - it's the most recently formed part of the island. We walked on beds of lava that were the result of a flow from around 1990. Most of it is Pahoehoe, lava that is smooth and often has these cool ropy patterns:

We stopped along the way for three yummy varieties of Poke (cubes of raw ahi tuna with various seasonings). Also on the way we stopped at Lili'uokalani Park in Hilo. Very pretty. It's been raining off and on (mostly on) like crazy, but we get occasional breaks of sunlight, so we took full advantage of those moments. It was high tide, so the tidepools (where one often finds pretty tropical fishies, or heat from underground vents) were overwhelmed with cold ocean water flushing in.

Still, we got to stick our feet in the water a little. Also saw the Lava Tree state monument, which is very cool. Lots of carcasses of former trees that got burnt up by lava flows.

Tonight we're back in Hilo, getting ready for a nice Thai dinner and preparing for our road trip to the Kona coast tomorrow.

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