Monday, June 18, 2007

Madame Pele puts on a show

I have a lot of catching up to do, regarding activities on Friday and Saturday, but Sunday was pretty amazing, so I'd better just start with that. We took an air tour of the island, and as luck would have it, Kilauea was especially active. Our pilot told us that Volcano National Park was closed, and was being evacuated, because some roads could potentially be blocked. They had been having various earthquakes since 2am, around 3.5 in magnitude... So we went straight to the craters where the action was:

Very cool. There was red hot lava inside these craters, and chunks of the crater walls were falling in! Further on down the slope there were actual rivers of hot lava that were visible:

Then, down at the shoreline you can see new land being created as the lava spills into the ocean. The ocean water turns all kinds of weird colors from the extreme heat, and gives off nasty toxic fumes. YAY!

Coming soon... more airplane pictures, submarine pictures, pretty Place of Refuge pictures, black sand beaches, and waterfalls galore. I'll be back in Philly in about 24 hours, where I can do all my catching up. (I'll be hiding upstairs on the computer - away from the GIGANTIC MESS my landlord apparently made in not exactly fixing my kitchen floor...)

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